Typically completed by 3-11 year olds, CREST Star and SuperStar challenges relate to everyday experiences. Children complete six to eight activities to gain a CREST Award, with each activity taking between 45 minutes and one hour to complete.
The activities are designed to be easy-to-run and low-cost. You don’t need to be a teacher, have a science background or have access to specialist equipment to run them. The packs contain helpful hints and tips for you to use, explaining the scientific themes and offering guidance on conversation topics for your children.
There are more CREST approved resources that have been developed by our partners and providers specific to your region.
To browse the packs, click the buttons below or scroll down.
Heriau yn Gymraeg Addas i blant 7 i 11 oed Mae'r casgliad hwn o weithgareddau CREST SuperStar yn caniatáu i blant archwilio problemau bob dydd gan ddefnyddio gwyddoniaeth. Ar ôl iddynt gwblhau wyth o'r heriau, gallant dderbyn tystysgrif CREST SuperStar a bathodyn hefyd! #Ymchwilio #Arbrawf #Creu #Darganfod
Rocedi'n Rasio Cerdyn Gweithgareddd
Ailgylchwch Ailddefnyddiwch RECYCLE
Mynd gam ymhellach Gwneir papur o f
RECYCLE REUSE Dechrau arni Rhwygwch
Pethau i'w hystyried Mae un sain sy
TING SOUNDS Trafodwch Siaradwch â'
Pethau i'w hystyried I benderfynu p
Dechrau arni Beth am gynnal arolwg
Pethau i'w hystyried Efallai na fyd
Eichher Mae Cosmic a Gem yn dymuno
Beth i'w wneud 1. Darllenwch y CERD
Achubwch y goeden Helynt y Goeden C
Helynt y Goeden Cerdyn Gweithgaredd
G TOAST Tost sy'n Cwympo Cerdyn y T
Mynd gam ymhellach TUMBLING TOAST M
Dechrau arni Dechreuwch trwy ddarga
Beth i'w wneud 1. Darllenwch y CERD
Ffyrdd Gwyntog Cerdyn y Trefnydd Yn
Ffyrdd gwyntog Cerdyn Gweithgareddd
Swyno Mwydod Cerdyn y Trefnydd Yngl
Allweddeiriau • Natur • Dirgryn
WORM CHARMING Dechrau arni Gwnewch
Collections of one hour challenges recommended for children aged 3-7 years that relate to children’s everyday experiences. Find out more about this level and how to gain a CREST Award on the CREST Star page.
Collections of one hour challenges recommended for children aged 7-11 years that relate to broader situations that children are likely to have come across. Find out more about this level and how to gain a CREST Award on the CREST SuperStar page.
British Science Association
Wellcome Wolfson Building,
165 Queen's Gate
© 2018 British Science Association